Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are people who truly want to make a difference to those in need in our community by answering Jesus’ call to service to the poor. Volunteers grow in their own spirituality through their ministry and involvement in the community of the Society of SVDP.
Home Visits/Outreach Ministry:
Become a Vincentian of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. This involves committing to attending a one hour meeting the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 6-7 pm at our Church, completing necessary training, and being involved as able and interested in other projects like fund-raising, Thanksgiving and Christmas projects, etc.
Current Specific Needs:
Phone intake (bilingual): Bilingual person needed to check voice mail for messages from families needing assistance, call back families to determine needs, and schedule home visits if appropriate. This is done from home during the day on your own time. Time required – about 1 hour per day. Volunteers currently are sharing this duty, alternating weeks. This would be a good fit for a stay at home parent who wants to find a way to be involved in ministry.
Home visits (English speaking and bilingual): Volunteers visit families in need in their homes. All home visits are done by two volunteers. Most visits are done in the evenings, but some may be done during the day. Most visits last 20-30 minutes. Volunteers are scheduled in advance, usually two evenings per month, as their schedule allows. Greatest need is for bilingual volunteers, but English speaking-only volunteers are also welcome.