You: A Vincentian?
Your parish conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul invites you to join in their works of charity:
Quietly, discreetly aiding needy families.
Personal visits to homes and to where the poor are.
Growing Spiritually through a gift of self to others.
The purpose of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is to fulfill the two great Commandments, love of God and love of neighbor. We seek out God’s needy and help where we can. No need is too great or too small. Sometimes great resources are needed; we may have them. Sometimes we can do no more than listen and comfort; we are good at that.
In coming closer to the poor, you are coming closer to God!
Outside the Society itself, no one knows which families are being aided. All of our work is confidential. Your next door neighbor could have received help and you would never know it.
Vincentians are not professionally trained social workers. They are people just like you. They are men, women, parents with young children and retired grandparents; those who work full time and those who stay home; English speaking and Spanish speaking people. The important thing is the desire to serve as Jesus served.
Anyone who is willing to lend a hand is welcome to join the Society. Even a few hours of your time are precious to the needy and the distressed. You can be an apostle right in your own parish.
The Society is formed into parish Conferences consisting of 10 to 15 members. They meet regularly, pray together and discuss current cases being handled.
All home visits are made in pairs for safety and to help the recipients feel more at ease. Vincentians determine first the immediate needs, which frequently are food, clothing, shelter, and heat for the home. Material assistance is given on an emergency basis. Wherever there is a need, the Vincentians go two by two and do what they can to ease the suffering of their fellow human beings.
Persons to be aided are met “on an equal basis” at their level, never looked down on and always with the thought that they are our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, may we say that Christ has just knocked on your door!
If you are interested, please call (479) 616-1242.